Soon all I could think about was nausea and fatigue. And that it is WAY worse at 40 than it was at 35, when I had my last one. I'm not that old, for crying out loud, snide "advanced maternal age" labels on my medical chart notwithstanding. My body sure feels older this time, though. I crawl in bed at 8:30 p.m. and don't move until I absolutely have to get up. That is, after my husband has singlehandedly gotten all 6 kids out the door to their various schools. And when I know I'll throw up if I don't get food, now. If it weren't for the nausea, I might not get up at all. Pregnancy in one's twenties is a breeze, in comparison.
These were my thoughts as I crawled up the stairs with one small stack of laundry, stopping to rest with my head pressed against the soft carpet, waiting for the roiling nausea to pass.
"¡Mira lo que pasó a la hermana a su edad!"