Thursday, January 6, 2011

Chief Cook and Bottom Washer

My husband has always accused me of being a terrible salesman. (Evidence he has collected against me: I pull something from the fridge, taste it, make a face, then offer it to him. Or if I have something to sell on Craigslist, I downplay the good points in order to be completely open about the bad.) This has become a problem now that I have to sell myself to make my living. I run a relatively new daycare, begun in September of last year, and open my home to inquiring parents as often as they come knocking, baring my housekeeping, parenting and childcare skills, and our family's general mayhem for general criticism and intrusion.

Today's hapless couple showed up right after lunch (mess in the kitchen), during one daycare child's filling her diaper (stench for the duration of the visit), and just as my youngest son was feeling his neediest (I'm not even going to elaborate on that scene--I'm not that bad a salesman). I find it difficult to appear professional with all of that going on around me. Although, since my profession is all about mess, smelly bottoms, and needy children, I suppose if I endure all that with a smile, it is the best I can do.

1 comment:

  1. I think the best precommitment parent visit that I had was when I was nursing Cara, and 2 little ones that I was babysitting were snuggled around me while I read to them. Could you arrange something like that?

    Of course, letting Seanny fall backwards from a standing position at 3 months old was not impressive! (not on the same occasion)
